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Avaz AAC

Every individual has the right to communicate and express themselves.

Expanded, clutter-free vocabulary

Category based and ensures motor planning at each step.

Media-rich icons

Offers a variety of built-in options to add or change an icon’s image (or even video) right within the app.

Frozen Row Feature

Accelerates communication by instant access to essential vocabulary irrespective of where you are in your AAC

Communicate effortlessly with Keyboard.

Categorize your favorite phrases in the Favorite Folder to communicate faster with your loved ones!

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Lakshmi – – +1 (650)-300-4904

Created for English speaking countries, Avaz AAC has a robust picture & text-based vocabulary graded in three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

Words are laid out in a consistent pattern ensuring quick access and motor memory growing with the communicator. Quickly toggle between picture and keyboard mode to create sentences.

Available in English US and UK.

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Made in India for Indian Language speaking individuals.

Avaz AAC has a robust picture and text-based vocabulary with predictive text. Supporting six Indian languages – Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, and Marathi, it can also be personalized for Gujarati and Bengali.

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Avaz Australia is specially created for English speakers in Australia and New Zealand with customized regional picture & text-based vocabulary. With advanced predictive text, easily toggle between picture and keyboard mode to create quick sentences.

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Avaz Francais créé en collaboration avec nos partenaires français dispose d’un vocabulaire solide basé sur des images et du texte avec texte prédictif, permettant de basculer rapidement entre le mode image et le mode clavier pour créer des phrases. Pour obtenir de l’aide en français, cliquez ici.

Avaz Francais created in collaboration with our French partners has a robust picture and text-based vocabulary with predictive text, allowing quick toggle between picture and keyboard mode to create sentences. For support in French, click here.

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Avaz Dansk er oprettet i samarbejde med vores danske partnere og har et robust billede og tekstbaseret ordforråd med forudsigelig tekst, der giver hurtig skift mellem billed- og tastaturtilstand for at skabe sætninger.

Created in collaboration with our Landsforeningen Autisme, Avaz has a robust picture and text-based vocabulary with predictive text, allowing quick toggle between picture and keyboard mode to create sentences.

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Made for Sri Lanka – supports Sinhala and Tamil.

Avaz has a robust picture and text-based vocabulary with predictive text. Supporting Sinhala and Tamil, easily toggle between picture and keyboard mode to create quick sentences.

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Avaz AAC är en augmentativ och alternativ kommunikationsapp som ger barn och vuxna med talrelaterade funktionsnedsättningar en egen röst. En fullständig talapp som också innehåller en träningsmodul för nya AAC-användare och vårdgivare.

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Az Avaz AAC egy augmentatív és alternatív kommunikációs alkalmazás, amely speciális kommunikációs igényű, beszédfogyatékos gyermekek és felnőttek számára biztosítja a hangzó beszédet. A teljes körű beszédalkalmazás egy képzési modult is tartalmaz az új AAC-felhasználók és gondozóik számára.

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AVAZ FO er ein app til børn og onnur, sum ikki fáa tosað, ella hava trupult við at tosa. Tað verið seg vegna autismu, Downs Syndrom, Angelmans Syndrom, Aspergers, Apraxia og aðrar non-verbalar umstøður. Avaz er brúkaravinarlig, bæði hjá børnum og umsorganarfólki. Appin stuðlar uppundir, at barnið kann koma til orðanna, og við tíðini kann flyta seg frá myndasamskifti, til sjálvt at skriva orðini.

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Avaz Svenska, skapat i samarbete med våra svenska partners, har en robust bild och textbaserat ordförråd med förutsägbar text, vilket gör det möjligt att snabbt växla mellan bild- och tangentbordsläge för att skapa meningar.

Created in collaboration with our Swedish partners, Avaz has a robust picture and text-based vocabulary with predictive text, allowing quick toggle between picture and keyboard mode to create sentences.

Making Every Voice Heard.

Avaz is a picture and text-based AAC app that empowers children and adults with complex communication needs to express themselves and learn.

Expressing thoughts, whenever and wherever, increases their confidence in their abilities.

From communicating that they are happy to participating and learning in the classroom, Avaz helps with all!

Robust and growing vocabulary

Language plays an important role in conveying intent and communicating ideas. Hence, Avaz supports a robust vocabulary of words that can grow with the child.

Communication is not limited to getting needs met, but consists of various forms of expression – expressing feelings, thoughts, socialising  with people around, commenting,  asking questions, narrating, joking etc. Avaz encourages functional communication – the various purposes for which we all communicate or have an interaction with others, where the user is communicating spontaneously and with purpose.

Easy to adapt and personalize

Every child is unique, have different likings; so why have the same pictures for words for all?

With Avaz, you can easily personalize a word in seconds, be it for their favorite superhero or ice cream flavor.

Designed for the child, parent and professional.

We understand that every intervention is a team effort. Hence Avaz facilitates collaboration by offering different training modules and resources that enable the entire eco-system around the child.

Avaz offers simple, practical strategies that can be used at home and hands-on practice sessions which enable everyone to be a better communication partner to the child.

Designed to be accessible.

We believe that a device or language should not be an obstacle that restricts an individual from expressing themselves.

Hence Avaz is available across iOS and Android platforms in multiple languages.

Stories from around the world

Read how people around the world are using Avaz in their life.

Chitra shares Tarun’s unique journey

Avaz became Tarun’s voice in the real world in a practical situation at the optometrist.

Sara using Avaz

Sara wishing her cousin

Sara lives in Romania and loves to communicate with her friends and family, recite poems using Avaz.

Travis found his voice!

Travis was given the opportunity to trial AVAZ, an and we were in awe with his success. Travis finally found his voice!

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